Test bench

All products assembled by HYDRONT undergo 100% final inspection at the test bench.

Test bench description:

The test bench includes a large-capacity pump and a high-pressure pump, which provide both flow and pressure tests, in addition, the test bench contains electronic flow meters and a number of pressure gauges for measuring oil parameters (flow, pressure) before and after the tested unit.

The stand contains elements for creating a load; with the help of these units, the work in the machine is simulated.

With the help of the stand, it is possible to determine the internal leakages of the components of the hydraulic distributor or valve assemblies.

The test bench is completed with equipment for testing all types of control: hydraulic, pneumatic, electric, electro-hydraulic proportional and discrete. The equipment allows you to test any valves and valves, as well as to carry out service.

Preparatory work:  

External Leak Test:


Relief valve setting:



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